What I've Been Watching
Phil Betley • April 22, 2014
Both Zack Kitzmiller and Shawn McCool have been keeping lists of technical videos worth watching, and I thought it was a great idea. Having watched a lot of their videos, I thought of a list of videos that I think are worth watching, and so here they are.
- Ross Tuck - Models & Service Layers
- Ross Tuck - HTTP & Your Angry Dog
- Uncle Bob - Clean Architecture: Probably one of my favorite talks
- Rob Conery - Javascript Inferno: Great talk about various MV* JS frameworks
- Matt Whyne- Hexagonal Rails: Great supplement to Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture
- Stephen Wolfram - Wolfram Language: Mind-blowing video about the language behind WolframAlpha
- Integrated Tests are a Scam: Insight into testing and how to mitigate bad, unconstructive testing
- Teach a Dog to REST: Great introduction to REST
- 8 Lines of Code: Greg Young talks about keeping code simple to reduce tool dependencies
- Ember Is For The Children: Amazing talk by DeVaris Brown. Shows the potential developers have to pay it forward and make a difference in a community